Rapid Impact Compaction is a ground improvement technique that densifies the soil by pounding it at high frequency with a medium sized pounder.
Sustitución dinámica
admin75082023-08-21T10:30:16-06:00Dynamic replacement is a ground improvement technique that reinforces fine grained soils with a network of dynamically pounded pillars.
admin75082023-08-21T10:27:06-06:00Vibrocompaction is a ground improvement technique that densifies the soil by shaking it with a vibro probe.
Columnas bimódulo (CBM)
admin75082023-08-14T13:46:27-06:00Bi-modulus columns is a ground improvement technique that reinforces the soil by a combination of CMC and stone columns.
Soil Mixing
admin75082023-08-14T13:52:45-06:00Soil Mixing is a ground improvement technique that reinforces the soil by mixing in situ a network of grout and soil columns.
Compactación dinámica (CD)
admin75082023-08-21T10:41:41-06:00Dynamic compaction is a ground improvement technique that densifies the soil by repeatly pounding it with a high energy pounder.
Columnas de grava (CB)
admin75082023-08-14T13:38:47-06:00Stone columns is a ground improvement technique that reinforces the soil with a network of stone compacted columns.
Inyección de compactación
admin75082023-08-14T14:17:29-06:00Compaction grouting is a ground improvement technique that densifies the soil by grouting under pressure a network of inclusions.
Jet grouting
admin75082023-08-09T17:05:54-06:00Jet grouting is a ground reinforcement technique. One or several jets of fluid with high kinetic energy are used to break apart and mix the ground with a liquid cement slurry so as to form a column of “soil concrete”.
Columnas de Módulo Controlado (CMC)
admin75082023-08-14T13:20:47-06:00Menard developed Controlled Modulus Columns in the 1990s to overcome problems of lateral confinement in highly compressible and organic soils. They are now used in all types of soil (cohesive or granular) up to depths of 30 metres or more.